A Year of English Poetry ~ 2024

Here is an updated and revised list of my recommendations from my video. Note: this is not the Harvard Bibliography (1983). This is a list inspired by many sources which are referenced at the end of the post here. It is by no means comprehensive; it does not represent my, or anyone else’s, “canon.” This is merely a beginner’s guide to the traditions of English poetry, a guide broadly imagined not as a destination but as as signposts toward literary discovery.

In 2024 I’ll be publishing a series of lectures on the history of English Poetry from Bible and Classical backgrounds to contemporary poets. Patreon supporters of the “Sponsor” tier (available December 26) will be invited to attend the live lectures followed by Q&A discussion and will have access to themed office hours with me where discuss readings of the month. I hope that these discussions will allow us to exchange reading recommendations and to introduce each other to poets not included on this (very limited) list!

1. The Bible and Classical Backgrounds

The Old Testament:





I Samuel




Song of Songs



The New Testament:

The Four Gospels

Acts of the Apostles


I and II Corinthians





Christopher Hodgkins’s Literary Study of the Bible

Northrop Frye’s The Great Code

A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature, ed. David Lyle Jeffrey

Greek Poetry:

Homer’s Iliadand Odyssey

Hesiod’s Works and Days and Theogony

The Homeric Hymns

Euripides’s Medea

Latin Poetry:

Virgil’s Aeneid

Ovid’s Metamorphoses


Sir Paul Harvey’s The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature

Gilbert Highet’s The Classical Tradition: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature

2. English Literature from the beginning to 1500

Old English:

Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf

The lyric poems: “The Wanderer,” “The Seafarer,” “The Dream of the Rood,” “The Battle of Maldon,” “The Wife’s Lament” (not included on H-list).

Middle English:

William Langland’s Piers Plowman

Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales

The Pearl-Poet’s Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Pearl


Albert C. Baugh’s A Literary History of England (Part A)

Elaine Treharne’s Old and Middle English: An Anthology

E.K. Chamber’s English Literature at the Close of the Middle Ages

H.S. Bennet’s Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century

Allan MacLain’s The Student’s Comprehensive Guide to the Canterbury Tales

3. English Literature from 1500 to 1660


Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Tamburlaine

Ben Jonson’s Volponeand Bartholomew Fair

Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher’s The Maid’s Tragedy

Shakespeare’s major works

Recommended Works:

Harold Bloom’s Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human

Marjorie Garber’sShakespeare After All

L.C. Knights’s Drama and Society in the Age of Jonson

T.S. Eliot’s Elizabethan Essays


John Skelton’s lyrics (see anthology recommendation)

Sir Thomas Wyatt (see anthology recommendation)

Henry Howard Earl of Surrey (see anthology recommendation)

Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene

John Donne’s Songs and Sonnets and Divine Poems

George Herbert’s The Temple

Robert Herrick’s Hesperides

Ben Jonson’s lyric poetry (see anthology recommendation)

Andrew Marvell’s lyric poetry (see anthology recommendation)

Thomas Trahern’s selected lyric poetry (see anthology recommendation)

Henry Vaughan’s selected lyric poetry from Silex Scintillans (see anthology recommendation)


Douglas Bush’s Mythology and the Renaissance Tradition

A.C. Hamilton’s The Spenser Encyclopedia

C.S. Lewis’s English Literature in the Sixteenth Century (excluding drama)

Douglas Bush’s English Literature in the Early Seventeenth Century

Michael Paine and John Hunter’s Renaissance Literature: An Anthology

4. English Literature from 1660 to 1790


John Dryden’s All for Love and An Essay of Dramatic Poesy

John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera

Lyric Poetry

John Milton’s Paradise Lost

John Dryden’s Annus Mirabilis

Alexander Pope’s The Dunciad and An Essay on Criticism

Samuel Johnson’s The Vanity of Human Wishes and “On the Death of Dr. Robert Levet”

Thomas Gray’s Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

William Cowper’s “The Castaway” and The Task

Robert Burns’s selected lyric poetry (see anthology recommendation)


John L. Mahoney’s The Enlightenment and English Literature

Gordon Teskey’s The Poetry of John Milton

James Sutherland’s English Literature in the Late Seventeenth Century

Bonamy Dobrée’s English Literature in the Early Eighteenth Century

John Butt’s English Literature in the Mid-Eighteenth Century

Walter Jackson Bate’s The Burden of the Past

Geoffrey Tillotson’s Eighteenth-Century English Literature

Geoffrey Tillotson’s On the Poetry of Pope

5. English Literature from 1790 to 1890

William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

William Wordsworth The Lyrical Ballads (1802)

Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (text of 1834)

George Gordon, Lord Byron’s Childe Harold and Don Juan

Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats,” “Ode to the West Wind,” and Prometheus Unbound

John Keats’s selected poems and letters

Anna Laetitia Barbauld’s Poems(text of 1777)

Helen Maria Williams Poems(1786)


William Lindsay Renwick’s English Literature, 1789-1815

David Perkins’s English Romantic Writers: An Anthology

James Engell’s The Creative Imagination

Alfred Lord Tennyson’s selected lyrics and In Memoriam

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese and Aurora Leigh

Robert Browning’s selected lyrics

Matthew Arnold’s shorter lyrics

Christina Rossetti’s lyrics

Gerard Manley Hopkins’s lyrics


W.E. Strange and G. R. Houghton’s Victorian Poetry and Poetics

Ian Jack’s English Literature, 1815-1832

Paul Turner’s Victorian Poetry, Drama, and Miscellaneous Prose

6. American Literature to 1890

Anne Bradstreet’s lyrics

Edward Taylor’s lyrics

Psalms from The Bay Psalm Book

Michael Wigglesworth’s The Day of Doom

Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”

Ralph Waldo’s Emerson “The Sphinx” and “The Snow-Storm”

Emily Dickinson’s poems

Walt Whitman’s 1855 Preface to the Leaves of Grass and its poems


The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volumes A and B

7. English and American Literature from 1890

Thomas Hardy’s poems (see anthology)

W.B. Yeats’s poems (see anthology)

Robert Frost’s poems (see anthology)

T.S. Eliot’s poems (see anthology)

Marianne Moore’s poems (see anthology)

Archibald Macleish’s poems (see anthology)

Langston Hughes’s poems (see anthology)

Philip Larkin’s poems (see anthology)

Allen Ginsberg’s Howl

Sylvia Plath’s poems (see anthology)

Seamus Heaney’s poems (see anthology)

. . . Among many others. See Table of Contents in the anthology.


The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry

David Perkins’s The History of Modern Poetry (2 vols.)

J. I. M. Stewart’s Writers of the Early Twentieth Century: Hardy to Lawrence

8. Theory and Criticism (built along as we go, incorporated into lectures)

Walter Jackson Bate’s Criticism: The Major Texts

René Wellek’s History of Modern Criticism (7 vols.)

The Norton Anthology of Theory & Criticism

Works Referenced

Bibliography for English Undergraduate Concentrators, compiled by Members of the Tutorial Board and the Department of English and American Literature and Language.

Andrew Sanders’s The Short Oxford History of English Literature

The College Survey of English Literature,  vols. I & II, ed. B.J. Whiting et al.

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